Datagrid examples - Make all rows editable and Building an add section into your datagrid.

I've been doing a lot of ASP.NET 1.1 work over the last couple of weeks and the key thing I have worked on is the datagrid/datalist/repeater controls.  First off, I want to say thanks to Scott Mitchell of  Scott has a great set of articles on the datagrid.  I've been using article 17 regarding how to make the datagrid editable.  It has been very instructive to me.  I don't have everything completed quite yet, but what he has in his article so far has been very helpful to me.

Another really helpful article is in the MSDN Help Files.  It is at ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2005APR.1033/dv_vstechart/html/vbtchTopQuestionsAboutASPNETDataGridServerControl.htm. The article is titled "Top Questions abotu the DataGrid Web Server Control."  There was one really good suggestion that I had not thought of when I started working with some of my datagrids.  I had started by building an add section separte from my datagrids.  There was a suggestion to create an add, merely put a "phony" record into the datasource before binding.  I have tried that and so far, it seems to be working very well.



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