Pet Project - Web Search with .NET

I know that everyone is SO upset that I have been away, as “Wally Who?” echos through your mind.  Besides Christmas, I have been working on a pet project of mine. 

I have always been involved in the development of applications that deal with large amounts of data, large numbers of users, and a large number of transactions.  Well, I decided to take this to the ultimate level and get a copy of the World's largest database of information, the Web.  Add to this some some stuff about the forthcoming Yukon version of Sql Server from Microsoft. 

I decided to get a jump on Yukon by building a web search engine using the .NET Framework Version 1.1 and Sql Server 2k.  You will see a number of posts about items over the coming days about my .NET Search Engine.  Right now, I only have the spider running, but there will be a user interface for it (one day).


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