
Archives / 2003 / September
  • For the database challenged amongst us.........

    Do not pull all the records back from a table or view and then do an ADO Filter operation.  This is typically a bad thing, causes too much network traffic, and is a general inefficient use of resources.  Lets not say “select * from table.”  Let's do at least a “select * from table where ........”  You could also do a “select col1, col2, col3, ... from table where ......” which would be even better.  Don't send too much info across the wire.  Don't use too many resources.  If you have some database experts in your development group, look into using stored procedures.  Oh the pain......Oh the agony.....

  • Have you ever done 508 Accessibilty testing?

    When you use standard controls and form elements, the tools that allow disabled people to access your application can work fairly well.  If you write your own controls and do your own thing, these tools can have problems.  Well guess what.  This application that I am working on uses a custom written datagrid built using an .htc based control.  Can you guess how well this control works with regards to 508 accessibility?  It kind of works, but the formatting information is causing problems and the bottom line is that this animal will be a pain.  Gee, this control has no value, but the whole UI of the app is built around this stupid control.  Getting this thing to work will be a pain.  Ripping it out is not an option due to the whole UI of the app being written around the control.  Use standard controls whenever possible.

  • How is .NET a lockin strategy?

    Ok, somebody explain how .NET is a locking strategy?  I don't see it?  I don't get it?  .NET is a better development environment for web based applications.  It provides a better and more secure platform for applications.  It opens up the internals of Windows systems better than VB ever did or could.  I can write Windows Services faster, quicker, and easier than before.  Wonder how hard it is to write an NLM now (wonder if most people even know what an NLM is anymore)?  I have been using Web Services for 3 years now.  I do not care what the other side's operating system is.  I know how to architect a solution that is not platform specific.  It makes no difference to me.  I transfer standard XML across the wire.  How is this a lock-in?  If this is a lock-in strategy, then maybe Wardens Ballmer and Gates can throw the key away to my cell.

  • How long have I been doing this?

    Somebody just reminded me how long I have been doing this programming thing.  Here is something from 1990.  I don't think that 36 is that old.  Written some x86 ASM (just a little), Embeded Controller ASM, C and C++ on Unix, lots of client-server VB, Mathematic (which I still think is the absolute coolest language, started with it in early 1989 on a Mac), and of course, .NET.

  • Meatballs rolling across the floor

    If you can't tell, I have walked into a project that used every non-standard approach to development I have ever seen, including attempting to create their own version of an ASP.NET file parser and execution envivonment.  All I can really do is some “Meatball Surgery” to attempt  to shore up some loose ends.  The app basically works, but it has a number of architectual problems and resulting limitations. 

  • You are not smarter than Microsoft

    No matter how much you want to think it, you are not smarter than Microsoft.  Do not think that you can create a better version of ASP, ASP.NET, VB, C#, Office, or whatever over a weekend.  If you work for Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, or another tech company, than yes, you can do your own thing.  If you don't work for a tech company, than don't think that you can compete with them without millions, and possibly billions, of dollars.