Non Technical - One negative effect of physical fitness

Yesterday, I went to buy a new suit, the first in something like ten years.  I was measured for a jacket first.  The guy looked at me and basically said "I will be hard to find something for you in the off the rack area."  The problem is that my waist is much smaller than a "standard" size person with my jacket size, even for the "athletic fit" sizes.  Well after a lot of discussion, I ended up with a jacket size of 46-48 and a pant size in the waist of 34-35.



  • Wow - you must spend all day looking at yourself in the mirror ...

  • Hey Wally, You commented on one of my posts this morning, so I thought I'd check out your blog site. I see why you were interested in my leg-presses. Unfortunately for me, I'll never have the problem you have. I'm more latter-day Jesse Ventura than Arnold :)

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