Contents tagged with

  • Two ways to make CommandArgument have value in GridView

    We all know that CommandArgument Property can remember value or index, but sometimes, there's nothing in it, do you know why?
    Today, i study for a while, and i find the following two ways.

    • Use <asp:ButtonField CommandName="CMD" />, the CommandArgument will memory the RowIndex of the GridView automatically.
    • Use <asp:TemplateField><ItemTemplate><asp:Button CommandName="MCMD" CommandArgument="Value"  /></ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateField>, the Argument value is Value

  • ModelPopupExtender的一个问题解决方案

          最近用ModelPopupExtender时,总是提示我有 Sys.InvalidOperationException 未通过 Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler 的错误,后来发现是我设置了CancellControlID,而没有设置相应的事件,我是通过在服务器端Show和Hide来控制的,这样脚本在寻找CancellControlID的时候就找不到了,就为null,在脚本中就会抛出以上错误。所以,如果我们要在服务器端控制ModelPopupExtender,不要设置ControlId就可以了!

  • Asp.Net Web开发需要了解的知识
