How to write a generic service in WCF

In one of my recent projects I needed a generic service as a facade to handle General activities such as CRUD.Therefor I searched as Many as I could but there was no Idea on generic services so I tried to figure it out by my self.

( I'm using a self hoster and this article's target is the people who know about WCF and it's concepts so you can find more about WCF here :

Finally,I found a way :

Create a generic contract as below :

public interface IEntityReadService<TEntity>
        where TEntity : EntityBasenew()
        [OperationContract(Name = "Get")]
        TEntity Get(Int64 Id);
        [OperationContract(Name = "GetAll")]
        List<TEntity> GetAll();
        [OperationContract(Name = "GetAllPaged")]
        List<TEntity> GetAll(int pageSize, int currentPageIndex, ref int totalRecords);
	[OperationContract(Name = "GetAllConditional")]
        List<TEntity> GetAll(string whereClause, string orderBy, int pageSize, int currentPageIndex, ref int totalRecords);
then create your service class :
  public class GenericService<TEntity> :IEntityReadService<TEntity>
	where TEntity : EntityBasenew()
#region Implementation of IEntityReadService<TEntity>
        public TEntity Get(long Id)
            return BusinessController.Get(Id);
        public List<TEntity> GetAll()
                return BusinessController.GetAll().ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
        public List<TEntity> GetAll(int pageSize, int currentPageIndex, ref int totalRecords)
                BusinessController.GetAll(pageSize, currentPageIndex, ref totalRecords).ToList();
        public List<TEntity> GetAll(string whereClause, string orderBy, int pageSize, int currentPageIndex, ref int totalRecords)
                BusinessController.GetAll(pageSize, currentPageIndex, ref totalRecords, whereClause, orderBy).ToList();

Then, set your EndPoint configuration in this way :
          address="myAddress" binding="basicHttpBinding" 
          contract="Contracts.IEntityReadService`1[[Entities.mySampleEntity, Entities]], Service.Contracts"  />


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