Source Outline PowerToy For Visual Studio

I recently came across this power toy add in For Vs 2008 on CodePlex and I must say that its powerful and really makes navigating across methods, searching for methods fairly non trivial. Once you install PowerToy on your machine, you can open it by going to View Menu, Other Windows and clicking Source Outliner Power Toy. This will open up Source outliner as you can see in the screen shot. If you are on a class, that class will be selected by default on Source Outliner and by clicking up and down arrows you can see Visual studio moving the code editor to that method without a breeze. You also have the ability to search and Filter for a method in a class as well entire solution and Outliner will start populating the list as you type. I think Source Outliner is a great tool to navigate and find methods quickly. You can download the tool at




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