
Archives / 2010 / November
  • Filtering and Ordering Include

    Lot of times in your application, you have a requirement to eagerly load related collection but you want to load the collection partially and also have the data sorted when before it is materialized at the client layer. Currently in EF, there is no direct way to filter and sort and Include but there is a workaround. In this blog post, I will show you how you can use anonymous type to paritally load a collection in the correct order you desire.

  • Binding Stored Procedure Result from Entity Framework to ObjectDataSource Control

    Not too long ago someone asked me how can they bind data returned from stored procedure to a gridview control. There are several ways to achieve that. You can either use EntityDataSource or ObjectDataSource Control. I find it easier to use ObjectDataSource control because it allows me to encapsulate logic inside my classes. The basic steps are as follows