Update: Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks :: Operational Troubleshooting in Progress :: GDN Update

   The tasks GDN workspace seem to have been updated the same day I posted this.Edited date 2/20/2006 
   There is a doc in the download that says March 1 2006. Whatever the date, it is different than the last time I downloaded :P

   n.b. I prefer the way that the (GDN) AssemblyInfo task works with the existing AssemblyInfo file over the approach MS-SDC and the Community tasks have chosen.


I know this belongs in the forums, but it seem like every time I want to post something in the GotDotNet forums its broken. "Operational Troubleshooting in Progress. The Gotdotnet team is aware of the current site operational issues and is working on a solution. Thanks for your patience. "

I'm trying to setup a continuous integration server and use some of the tasks from  Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks in GDN  (http://weblogs.asp.net/nunitaddin/archive/2004/07/20/187950.aspx )

I wanted to post the forum, but they still have the error ...

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it:

I'm experiencing a significant number of issues trying to use the SDC stuff.

  • They don't match release versions of .Net  : fixed by removing strong name verification (Nagaraju Palla's WebLog )
  • From what I can tell the tutorial has not been updated to match the recent versions. ".Configuration" has been removed from most things.


  • The help contains errors in the remarks and samples for nUnit tasks. The AssemlyName property has changed and using ExcludeCategory throws a NotImplementedException ;)
  • Can someone point me to a working sample that uses the nUnit task?
  • The FxCop task is going a little better, but a  good working sample would help.

I could really use some good resources for this if you know of any.

Thanks again.



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