New Version of XmlPreCompiler

Well, I finally got around to making the XmlPreCompiler even easier to use. As some of you may or may not know, the XmlPreCompiler is a tool based on a tool Chris Sell's originally created to help developer's handle the xml serialization error:

      "File or assembly name ctewkx4b.dll, or one of its dependencies, was not found" exception?

The new version of the tool has the following improvements:

  1. AssemblyResolve. Typically, if you use the tool to check if a class can be serialized it is outside of the XmlPreCompiler's current directory structure and therefore, it cannot resolve dependencies. To get around this some of you would copy the assemblies into the XmlPreCompiler's bin directory. Now, I wired up the AssemblyResolve event and I do my best guess to find it for you.
  2. Added the ability with a single button click to test all types in your assembly. I forgot who requested this, but it was a good idea.
  3. Provided a TypeDetail window to show you different attributes of the class....e.g. IsAbstract, IsAnsi, IsClass, IsInterface.....
  4. Prrovided a Referenced Assembly window to show you all of the assemblies that the selected assembly references.

I am also in the process of making it an AddIn into the new Visual Studio 2005 (1/2 way done). I also am evaluating doing some disassembling of the code in a manner similar to reflector....I am mostly doing this for my own understanding but also for some things that I want to be able to do with classes in the future.

Anyway, download it and enjoy,

-Mathew Nolton

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