Introduction to Application Request Routing-Week 31

I’m finally catching up on the series.  Sorry to those who have asked about the delay.  I had completed the videos, but a delay with the article submission kept week 31 from going live.  Since it is a fundamental week, I didn’t blog about the other weeks until this week was ready.  Now we’re back in business!

You can find this week’s video here.

This week we start looking at Application Request Routing to understand what it is and to setup a basic server farm.

Starting this week I will be looking at Application Request Routing (ARR) which is a solution provided by Microsoft for IIS 7/7.5 which allows IIS to function as a load balancer (specifically as a reverse proxy). This greatly simplifies the process of creating a load balancer, keeps the costs very affordable, and offers tremendous control and programmability options.

This week’s video gives an introduction, sets up a new server farm, and then talks about what I call the 3 touch points in ARR.

This is now the 6th week in a mini-series on web farms, and the 31st week of the entire series. You can view past and future weeks here:

You can find this week’s video here.


  • Hi

    Thanks for the online video tutorial for ARR, could you please upload few video to configuring ARR as CDN solution.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Hi Deepak,

    Thanks for the comment. The most recent video covers this with pointers for more information:

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