Broadcasting Database Changes Through SignalR

There are several posts out there on using SignalR to signal changes in a database, but because I really didn’t quite like any of them, I decided to write my own.

The possibility to detect changes in a database comes from the SqlDependency class. Other implementations exist, such as SqlCacheDependency and SqlNotificationRequest, but with these we don’t really receive a notification event. The process is a bit tricky, lots of people out there have problems. These classes only work with SQL Server non-Express, but there are equivalents for other databases, such as OracleDependency for Oracle.

Because I like to make things generic and reusable, I decided to encapsulate things in my  class. Unfortunately, since SqlDependency does not have an ADO.NET base class, we have to use it directly.

So, my purpose is to:

  • Have a generic class that, given a database connection and SQL string that illustrates the changes I would like to detect, starts monitoring them, and raises an event whenever it sees changes;
  • I also want a SignalR hub that I can call from the outside – in this case, the changes event – and broadcasts a message about these changes.

First things first, here is the ChangeNotifier class:

   1: public sealed class ChangeNotifier : IDisposable
   2: {
   3:     private SqlConnection con;
   4:     private SqlCommand cmd;
   5:     private SqlDependency dependency;
   6:     private String connectionString;
   7:     private String dependencyCheckSql;
   9:     ~ChangeNotifier()
  10:     {
  11:         this.Dispose();
  12:     }
  14:     public event EventHandler<ChangeEventArgs> Change;
  16:     public Boolean Start(String connectionStringName, String dependencyCheckSql)
  17:     {
  18:         new SqlClientPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Demand();
  20:         this.connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionStringName].ConnectionString;
  21:         this.dependencyCheckSql = dependencyCheckSql;
  23:         var result = SqlDependency.Start(this.connectionString);
  25:         this.con = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString);
  26:         this.con.Open();
  28:         this.cmd = this.con.CreateCommand();
  29:         this.cmd.CommandText = this.dependencyCheckSql;
  31:         this.Setup(true);
  33:         return (result);
  34:     }
  36:     public Boolean Stop()
  37:     {
  38:         var result = false;
  40:         if (this.cmd != null)
  41:         {
  42:             this.cmd.Notification = null;
  43:             this.cmd.Dispose();
  44:             this.cmd = null;
  45:         }
  47:         if (this.con != null)
  48:         {
  49:             this.con.Close();
  50:             this.con = null;
  51:         }
  53:         if (this.dependency != null)
  54:         {
  55:             result = SqlDependency.Stop(this.connectionString);
  56:             this.dependency.OnChange -= this.OnChange;
  57:             this.dependency = null;
  58:         }
  60:         this.Change = null;
  62:         return (result);
  63:     }
  65:     private void Setup(Boolean initial)
  66:     {
  67:         if (initial == false)
  68:         {
  69:             this.dependency.OnChange -= this.OnChange;
  70:         }
  72:         this.cmd.Notification = null;
  73:         this.dependency = new SqlDependency(this.cmd);
  74:         this.dependency.OnChange += this.OnChange;
  76:         this.cmd.ExecuteScalar();
  77:     }
  79:     private void OnChange(Object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
  80:     {
  81:         this.Setup(false);
  83:         var handler = this.Change;
  85:         if (handler != null)
  86:         {
  87:             handler(sender, new ChangeEventArgs((ChangeInfo)(Int32)e.Info, (ChangeSource)(Int32)e.Source, (ChangeType)(Int32)e.Type));
  88:         }
  89:     }
  91:     public void Dispose()
  92:     {
  93:         this.Stop();
  94:     }
  95: }

It all starts with the Start method, which receives the name of a connection string stored in Web.config, and the SQL to use for detecting changes. When they occur, it raises the Change event. Action stops when the Stop or Dispose methods are called – do note that this class implements the Dispose Pattern, but in a particular way, because it is not meant to be subclassed. Whenever the OnChange event is raised, we need to set it up again, that’s how SqlDependency works. Because I don’t want to expose directly .NET classes, I created my own event classes and enumerations:

   1: public enum ChangeInfo
   2: {
   3:     AlreadyChanged = -2,
   4:     Unknown = -1,
   5:     Truncate = 0,
   6:     Insert = 1,
   7:     Update = 2,
   8:     Delete = 3,
   9:     Drop = 4,
  10:     Alter = 5,
  11:     Restart = 6,
  12:     Error = 7,
  13:     Query = 8,
  14:     Invalid = 9,
  15:     Options = 10,
  16:     Isolation = 11,
  17:     Expired = 12,
  18:     Resource = 13,
  19:     PreviousFire = 14,
  20:     TemplateLimit = 15,
  21:     Merge = 16,
  22: }
  24: public enum ChangeSource
  25: {
  26:     Client = -2,
  27:     Unknown = -1,
  28:     Data = 0,
  29:     Timeout = 1,
  30:     Object = 2,
  31:     Database = 3,
  32:     System = 4,
  33:     Statement = 5,
  34:     Environment = 6,
  35:     Execution = 7,
  36:     Owner = 8,
  37: }
  39: public enum ChangeType
  40: {
  41:     Unknown = -1,
  42:     Change = 0,
  43:     Subscribe = 1,
  44: }
  46: [Serializable]
  47: public sealed class ChangeEventArgs : EventArgs
  48: {
  49:     public ChangeEventArgs(ChangeInfo info, ChangeSource source, ChangeType type)
  50:     {
  51:         this.Info = info;
  52:         this.Source = source;
  53:         this.Type = type;
  54:     }
  56:     public ChangeInfo Info { get; private set; }
  57:     public ChangeSource Source { get; private set; }
  58:     public ChangeType Type { get; private set; }
  59: }

We start the notifier in Global.asax.cs, maybe in the Application_Start method:

   1: var notifier = new ChangeNotifier();
   2: notifier.Change += this.OnChange;
   3: notifier.Start("MyConnection", "SELECT SomeColumn FROM dbo.SomeTable");

A connection named MyConnection should exist in Web.config, as well as a table SomeTable with a column SomeColumn. Do change those for your own.

Next, a SignalR notification hub:

   1: public class ChangeNotificationHub : Hub
   2: {
   3:     public void OnChange(Int32 info, Int32 source, Int32 type)
   4:     {
   5:         this.Clients.All.onChange(info, source, type);
   6:     }
   7: }

What it does is merely broadcast to connected parties an OnChange message. We can get a reference to it by calling GetHubContext:

   1: private void OnChange(object sender, ChangeEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ChangeNotificationHub>();
   4:     context.Clients.All.onChange(e.Info, e.Source, e.Type);
   5: }

Notice that we call an onChange method (uncapitalized), not OnChange, this is so as to respect JavaScript conventions. We hook our page to SignalR using the following script:

   1: <script type="text/javascript">
   3:     function onChange(info, source, type)
   4:     {
   5:         //do something
   6:     }
   8:     window.addEventListener('load', function() {
   9:         var notifier = $.connection.changeNotificationHub;
  10:         notifier.client.onChange = onChange;
  11:         $.connection.hub.start();
  12:     });

The call to $.connection should match you hub class, but using camel casing. The callback function onChange is the same as you call in ChangeNotificationHub and in the OnChange event handler.

I take it for granted that you know how to setup SignalR, if not, do read the introduction in the ASP.NET site.

And that’s basically it!

Some common gotchas:

  • Does not work with SQL Server Express;
  • There’s a specific order by which the connection and SqlDependency.Start must be called, if you stick to my code, it should work;
  • Needs SQL Server Service Broker enabled for the database that we are monitoring, but does not require creating a queue or service, SqlDependency does that for us automatically;
  • Your application pool identity needs to have permissions to connect to the notification queue, see them here;
  • Won’t work with any SQL query, a number of restrictions apply; see here;
  • SqlDependency is very sensitive, and you can easily run into problems if you try different things.



  • HI,

    it would be really great if you give us a link from where we can download your full source code in zip format. looking for your help.


  • Hi, Tridip!
    Sure, get it from
    You will need to do two things:
    1) disable project signing
    2) change the connection string in web.config and the database name and SQL in Global.asax.cs

  • Hi,
    how can i change internal polling interval of the SqlDependency

  • Hi,
    How can I do the same process with Oracle Database?

  • John,
    You have the OracleDependency class ( See also

  • Hi, we have a project using oracle, signalr. can you contact me about doing some architecture work?

  • Would this work on multiple tables in a database in the same project - maybe set up an instance for each table in the Global.asax?

  • Using this method, how would I grab hold of the record coming back from the database?

  • Hi, Houdini Sutherland!
    You can't that's not the point of this... it's just for notification.
    Notice that a change can be:
    - Empty the whole table
    - Insert 100 records
    - Modify 200 records
    - etc

  • Is there an update to the code on github? It looks like most of the code is missing.

    There is code for the database notifier but nothing else. Was this the intention?



  • Hi, Martin!
    Everything that should be there, is there. What are you missing?

  • See the test project.

  • Hi Ricardo,

    Great example and code thanks

    I have converted the code to In my Global.asax file i get error on context.Clients.All.OnChange(e.Info, e.Source, e.Type) - Error 1 'Set' accessor of property 'Info' is not accessible. for Info, Source and Type.

    Any suggestions or pointer into the correct direction.


  • Hi, Ivan!
    You can see from my code that I made these properties private, so that they can only be set through the constructor... why are you trying to set them explicitly? If you really need, just make it public.

  • Hi Ricardo,

    My connectionString is throwing an SqlClient.SqlException: "The default schema does not exist." I'm using this same connectionString elsewhere in the application, so I know it is formed properly.

    I'm sure I'm missing something simple; any suggestions?

  • Hi, Andrew! Well, that has nothing to do with my code; from what I can see, the schema for the user trying to log in (are you using integrated authentication?) does not exist; by default this schema is dbo in SQL Server. You can use this SQL to set the default schema for a user in a given database:

    USE [yourDatabase];
    ALTER USER [yourUser] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = myschema;

  • I'm getting "max pool size was reached" with maybe 40 users or so.
    The problem being that it doesn't seem like the connections are ever closed. The stop/dispose functions aren't called and the SQL connection isn't in a "using" block.
    How can I properly close the connections so that they go away when a user leaves the website?

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