NHibernate Succinctly
It’s with great pleasure that I see the release of NHibernate Succinctly, a book that I wrote for Syncfusion’s Succinctly series! It’s my second title, more to come!
Like Entity Framework Code First Succinctly, this book has something for the beginner as well as for more advanced users. Unlike EFCFS, it covers the current version of NHibernate.
My good friend Zoran Maksimovic (@zoranmax) was the technical reviewer and besides him, I also want to thank everyone at Syncfusion: Hillary Bowling, Darren West, Tres Watkins and Graham High for their feedback and support, and for the opportunity they gave me. Of course, my coleagues at Critical, Pedro Gomes (@pedromvgomes) and Marco Carreira, and also my old friend Tiago Andrade, who also conducted reviews, cannot be forgotten as well!
Go ahead, grab your copy and let me know what you think!
By the way, it might be interesting to write something about my experience as an author… Any of you Succinctly authors out there would like to share your experience? Write me a line or comment here! Thanks!