Displaying Online users using Linq-to-entities.
A frequently asked question on the forums is "how to display the Online users when using Membership ?
One possible way is to get the whole users and iterate through the collection and add the online user to a new temporary collection that holds the online users, like this :
foreach(MembershipUser muser in Users)
GridView1.DataSource = OnlineUsers;
Ok , we can get the same result in an easy way using Linq :
var onlineUsers = from MembershipUser u in Membership.GetAllUsers()
where u.IsOnline==true
select u;
GridView1.DataSource = onlineUsers;
Of course both of methods will load the whole users to the memory because it mainly use Membership.GetAllUsers() method.
If you have a huge number of users , then you may consider an alternative way of doing this like using the Overloaded version of GetAllUsers Method to get users page by page.