VS 2005 Beta2 is making me feel dumb.

I don't like feeling dumb, it leads to making simple statements and then asking dumb questions.

This is not about the no-project treatment of web projects in whidbey. I liked using a project file, I have lots of excluded files :S

It is probably about changes from Beta1 to Beta2.

I could create web project / web site in each of the following without any problems or mysteries:

  • Visual Interdev 1
  • Visual Interdev 6
  • VS 2002
  • VS 2003
  • Web Developer Express
  • VS 2005 Beta 1

I have been searching and while I find lots of suggestions to use "file | new website" or to do the same from a blank solution. I would need to go home to verify, but I'm pretty sure that worked in Beta1.

What do I have to install/create/configure in order to create/open WebSites in Beta2?



The installed VS2005 info in case I have a wrong version:
Microsoft Visual C# 2005   55603-000-0000016-00926
Microsoft Visual C# 2005

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office   55603-000-0000016-00926
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System


  • I'm a bit peeved that 'Open Solution' is a submenu

    come on!

  • I think you're missing Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 in there.

  • Missing Web Dev... could be.

    It seems that I have "Team Suite Edition" is that perhaps the problem.

  • Thanks Vurg.

    I'm not sure how I missed that in the setup features, just being dumb.

    Either that or it is too darn close to the J#.

    So make sure to select Visual Web Developer.

  • 1) make sure you have visual web developer installed.

    2) vs2005 website are not projects as we know them. You have to go to File | New WebSite to do that.

    It be different.

  • Same as in Beta 1: File | New Web site. Or just open an existing disk folder, IIS site or remote site via http or ftp.

  • Actually, you either need VWD Express or VS Standard or higher. C# Express is not able to create Web sites.

  • Thanks but...

    darth obvious:

    Did you read my comment? The one just before yours :P

    Mikhail too...

  • This also really annoyed me. I wonder how it will work for those of us running on a different source control provider...

    We use subversion and the entire solution directory is part of the source tree. It'll suck if the website is not part of that same tree.

    Does the old 2003 method of getting Visual Studio to do your project organization still work? (Create the subdirectory first, Webshare it, then create the web project of the same name?)

  • From the little bits I've read, I think SubVersion will work without problems.

    I'm not usre what you mean by "old method". I use normal asp.net apps for my web projects, but I add them to VSS by hand.

    The only issue I have so far is that I keep developer test pages that have a buil action set to "none".

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