First Free Enterprise Web CMS With An Integrated Silverlight 3 Based Ribbon Toolbar!
Get a sneak peek of our latest that will be officially introduced on September 9, 2009.
The new ribbon toolbar - developed with silverlight technology! Silverlight ribbon toolbar enables editors to manage and design enterprise websites with an extraordinary usability experience for CMS Users. This powerful browser plug-in communicates with the Enterprise Web CMS Services in Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows and Macintosh platforms. (contact us for more information)
The editor will always have direct access to the toolbar in the header and footer that enables him to start all important actions to build, change, and control the website content.
In the footer the editor can change between the page properties. He can e.g. change the meta information of the page, switch to the edit mode to work on his content, or turn to the preview mode to check if everything is set up correctly. (contact us for more information)
New key visuals for page structure elements |
Key visuals for elements show you in a very simple way how to set up your page structure and how to include special content elements such as contact forms, voting modules, dynamic lists, e-commerce elements etc. (contact us for more information)
Edit text in the page – without new windows |
If you need to change or edit an object e.g. a text, images, lists, contact forms object, you do not need to open a new window but you can directly make the changes in the page. (contact us for more information)
Choose and search in your page context for images |
Choose the image you like to edit, insert or to replace on your page. enables you to search for an image while your page content stays visible. (contact us for more information)