A new one

Hello everybody and welcome to my English weblog.

Just a few words about me.

My name is Benjamin Roux and I just finished my studies in a French private school where I was also .NET trainer. The last 2 years I gave courses in France, USA and China and that’s the reason why I lived  in San Francisco (which is the most cool, beautiful, awesome city I’ve ever seen…) from October to July.

Microsoft awarded me with the title of Client Application Development MVP for my contributions in the French community. By the way, for the French readers you can find my weblog here http://blogs.developpeur.org/broux/ and my articles here http://broux.developpez.com/.

I opened this blog to share my experience and my researches about the .NET technologies and specially Silverlight which is my favourite. I hope my posts will be helpful!

As you could guess, English is not my mother tongue so in advance, all my apologies for my mistakes.

See you in my next post.

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