Declarative WSE pipeline configuration

Note: this entry has moved.

Configuring the WSE pipeline (1.x) is explained in the Configure a Custom Filter section in an MSDN article that also explains how to manipulate programatically the pipeline. The configuration, however, only allows ADDING a filter, not removing or changing the filters execution order or position. In this post I will explain how to achieve what I explained at the end of a previous post, that is, have complete declarative control over WSE pipeline configuration.

Basically, what I wanted is to have a configuration file as follows:

+ Sample configuration file.

And have WSE pipeline configured accordingly. In a web application, I would have to force the appropriate config. handler to run at the Application_Start event by issuing one of the following:

FilterConfiguration filters = (FilterConfiguration) 

This involves creating a section handler and processing each of the elements in the <filters> node. The method that is called with the handler is created looks as follows:

+ The filter processing method.

I'm caching the expression that locates the filters so improve performance, and to make the code more maintainable. I keep all element and attribute names in constants:

+ Declared constants.

Of course, the real work happens in AddFilter, RemoveFilter and MoveFilter. As WSE has a clear distiction between input and output filters by means of different base classes for them, SoapInputFilter and SoapOutputFilter, we don't need to bother to specify which kind of filter we're adding/removing/moving, and we can instead infer this in those helper methods. These methods use the approach explained in the aforementioned MSDN article to pipeline handling. Here's the AddFilter one:

+ The AddFilter method.

Note that we insert or add depending on the presence of the @at attribute. The RemoveFilter does almost the same, so I won't show the full code. The move filter is slightly more complicated as we can only move around filters that already exist on the pipeline. Fortunately the SoapInputFilterCollection (and the output too) class exposes an IndexOf method that receives the filter type to locate, which comes handy now:

int idx = WebServicesConfiguration.FilterConfiguration.InputFilters.IndexOf(theType);

I've provided this code as a C# project in the ASPNET2 Incubator (work-in-progress still), and you can download it from here. I also included the two signature filters discussed in the aforementioned post for reducing WSE message payload by avoiding sending the binary security token when it is agreed and distributed previously between secured parties/servers. Look for the SecurityTokenHelper.cs file. Its static constructor should load the SecurityToken you will use to secure communication.

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