Pair-programming with Virtual Server and two mouse pointers!!!
Note: this entry has moved.
A while back, Peter blogged about pair programming with Virtual Server. The two of us have been pairing quite a bit lately, and it went really great. I'm starting to love it :D (not Peter, pair programming, of course...). CAB (Composite UI Application Block) is turning into a very very cool project. I'm definitely looking forward implementing all my future smart clients on top of it. There're SO many things that become way easier... But I'll be talking more about that in the future.
Now, back to pair-programming with Virtual Server, it works great except that you cannot see your peer's mouse while he's moving it. This seems like a small issue, but the mouse shows you the intention of the other person as he goes across menus, the solution explorer, the scrollbar, everything. But today, edjez showed his amazing background on the dark depths of Windows GDI crap and came up with the idea of turning on the pointer trails and guess what: it works!!! Now we can both see each other's mouse pointer.
BTW, pairing with virtual server is *real* pair programming: you can switch the driver instantly, and the whole process is much more smooth. It's great. You really need to try it if you haven't done it yet.