PowerShell with TFS: how to perform batch-updates to WorkItems
In this post, I'll show how you can use Powershell to perform one of the most annoying and (currently impossible) tasks in an iteration planning using TFS: batch update of all non-completed items so that they are moved to the next iteration.
The end result (which I'm using very effectively weekly :)) will be to be able to issue the following commands:
PS C:\> $tfs = Connect-Tfs tfs
PS C:\> $tfs.WorkItems.FindAll("[System.TeamProject] = 'MyProject' and [System.State] != 'Closed' and [System.IterationPath] = 'MyProject\Iteration 1'") | %{ $_.Open; $_.Fields["System.IterationPath"].Value = "MyProject\Iteration 2"; $_.Save(); write-host Updated $_.Title; } | out-null...