Tracer: the unified, dead-simple API for all logging frameworks in existence

We all need some kind of tracing or logging in our apps. We’d also like third party components to provide useful logging too. And if it integrates with whatever logging framework we happen to use, even better!

There’s a challenge though: we’d all have to agree on using a certain logging framework up-front. Or we could all agree on a common API (much like Common Service Locator did for picking DI containers) and provide specific adapters. The former is impossible, so it’s got to be the latter :)

There are some efforts in the area, most notably Common.Logging which has quite a following according to the nuget download numbers. So I set to investigate how thin the abstraction was: 28 public types, yuck. Doesn’t look much like a thin wrapper over specific frameworks :(. One problem I noticed right away is that it already provides a bunch of abstractions to write logger implementations, reading configuration, etc., which I believe should be totally out of scope of such an abstraction....

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