Videos of my MonoTouch and Mono and Mobile sessions from NDC 2011
Two weeks ago, I was in Oslo, Norway getting ready to present a few talks at the Norwegian Developer's Conference 2011 and now two weeks later, it's about time I point you to my MonoTouch and Mono and Mobile talks from the conference!
First I would like to thanks for everyone involved with the conference, the hosts, the staff, the speakers and the attendees. There was so many great talks going on that you're forced to download the videos afterwards!
All the videos from the conference are up on the NDC website for your viewing pleasure -, I highly recommend Ander's talk on Coffeescript and Ryan's talk on Node.js as good starting points.
My MonoTouch: State of the Union talk is available directly here -
My Mono and Mobile talk is available direct here -
Whilst at the conference, there was a live panel discussion for .NET Rocks on Mobile Development -
There is also an unofficial video torrent which is available here - - An official torrent feed will be available at a later date with other video format options.
Thanks again if you came to any of my sessions and I hope you had an enjoyable NDC!