Upgrading to DNN 2.0
Well, I've spent the past few weeks playing around with DNN 2.0. Today I'm doing the same.
I decided to take a copy of the portal I have running DnnCart on SoloPerformance.com and try to upgrade it to DNN 2.0, mainly to see how well the store converts over to 2.0. I am hoping to get working on the release for DnnCart here in the next few weeks, this test today will tell me how much work I actually have to do before the release.
If the code I've written converts over to 2.0 alright then I just have cleanup and feature code to work on. If it doesn't convert to 2.0 without too many troubles than I've got a LOT more work left to do to get the code up to 2.0 spec. More to come later!