No power, no life?

Well, my dad was in town yesterday and today for work. So we went out to dinner tonight. We headed into STL and it got darker and darker. We ate at McGurk's, then headed back home. Got here and the lights didn't work, oh wait, that's because the power is out... great...

So I headed out to the shop and picked up my new Koni's for the 350z. Cut out some new vinyl decals (reflective baby) and then headed back home about 2 hours later. The power is still out, so I've been walking around with a flashlight in hand. I left my damn maglight out at the shop, so I'll be without that till I can go get it.

I called the power company, only 10 homes are without power around me, across the street the power is on. They tell me it will be 1pm before the power is restored, and that's just an estimate... There are 25k other people in STL without power, ouch, sucks to be a linesman tonight.

Luckily my laptop has been charging for a few days, so I can get on here and post. I can't seem to get to my email, but that's a whole different story I can't post about :)

Hope everyone's having a good night!


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