Large gathering in City Of Heroes
I was playing CoH last night on the Virtue server and walked into the main hall in Galaxy City to sell off some enhancements I had received but couldn't use. Upon entry I saw probably 30-40 characters, all LVL 15 or higher gathered around the statue inside the hall. I sat around for a while watching and listening to what they were saying.
It was rather interesting, it appears they are trying to form an alliance of Supergroups, most likely called “The Alliance” from what I gathered. They were talking about getting a site together, as well as forums so they could communicate. One thing i was unclear on was the goal of this alliance? What does grouping groups together do? Also, is this only on one of the servers? Or would it span multiple servers? As I said, I was on the “Virtue” server with a character “Fireside” that I started on Friday to play with a friend of mine from high school long ago.