.Text blogs w/ DotNetNuke

I spent most of the evening, and early morning working on getting a site I have running on DNN setup with .Text blogs. Here are some of my thoughts and how I got it working.

First off check out Patrick's blog his was the starting point for getting this done.

He's added a few comments to the thread since I was using it last night, but to summarize what needs to be done, create the module as he states.

Replace the two functions he has made changes to.

Make the following code in the codebehind file

If Not CheckDirectory(UserName) Then
blog_AddNewBlog(UserName, Password, Email, Title, SubTitle, Skin, Application, Host, Author)
'add user to role.

look like this

Dim BlogID as integer
If Not CheckDirectory(UserName) Then
blog_AddNewBlog(UserName, Password, Email, Title, SubTitle, Skin, Application, Host, Author, BlogID)
'add user to role.

This line

File.Copy(BLOG_PATH & "empty.aspx", strServerPath & "\default.aspx")

should either be the same as above, or can be modified to be

File.Copy(BLOG_PATH & "default.aspx", strServerPath & "\default.aspx")

If you choose the first option you need to create a blank aspx file called “empty.aspx”

Now, on installed .Text there are a few changes to be made, I was doing a fresh install of .95, check out the dotText wiki site for most of the install instructions

once you have it installed, run the following in query analyzer.

Alter Table blog_Config Alter Column BlogGroup int default 1


Alter Table blog_Config Alter Column Flagint default 55

Those two default settings were left out of the install SQL.

Hope that helps someone out, I spent quite a while last night trying to track down all those fixes!

I have this running on one site right now, I'll get it running on another one this weekend and post a link to that site when it's ready to go!

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