dotText with www.dotnetnuke site

I wanted to set dotText up on this evening, but I did not want to set it up as I had on and with seperate subdomains and I wanted to set it up to be Well, DotNetNuke has some HTTPHandlers that allow you to link to it's tabs by name, for example and z/default.aspx  both link to the same page. So that throws a kink into the link as it throws a few errors when you try to reference the default.aspx page in the dotTextWeb directory (setup as a virtual directory for

To get around this I did the following, copy the default.aspx page in the dotTextWeb directory and make a desktopdefault.aspx file. So that appears to be working correctly, but I still have a few other bugs to work out. I'll post more on those later. This is really so I can remember and document the changes I have to make to get this to work.

If you add <Clear /> to the HTTPHandlers section of the web config file in the dotTextWeb directory you don't have to copy the default.aspx file to desktopdefault.aspx. I didn't think the clear was working, you just have to make sure to put <Clear /> and not <clear />. I'm running into a few issues I think with my cDotText module, I'll be tweaking it tomorrow hopefully.

I've made a few more changes, one quick change to get things working properly on, something I'll fix in the code as an option for other sites. I'm off to lunch now, but I'll have a better summary of changes in a new post later today. Also I had to add back the desktopdefault.aspx file into the directory so that the directory would return the mainfeed instead of an error, so I guess the <Clear /> in the HTTPHandlers isn't working properly.

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