Updating your DotNetNuke Copyright Statement for 2011, and beyond

originally posted on my DotNetNuke.com blog

Every January people start thinking “oh crap, I need to update the copyright statement on my website”. And everyone runs out and makes the change to the current year.

Well, if you use DotNetNuke you can easily change the Copyright statement on your site from the Site Settings page, found under the Admin menu. You’ll find a setting like the following.


If your Skin in DotNetNuke uses the Copyright SkinObject then changing that setting and updating the settings page will change the copyright statement across all pages.

Which would produce something like the following


Though you still need to do this every year if you want it to be current. There is a feature in DotNetNuke that will allow you to never need to change the year though. Here’s how:

Go to the Site Settings page, and REMOVE the copyright setting in the text box.


Then update your settings

Now in my skin the copyright section looks like


This is because when you remove the copyright setting, DotNetNuke dynamically builds a copyright statement, how might you ask? Well it takes the word and (c)

Copyright (c)

Then the Current Year (2011) and then the Portal Title, which in my case is “Chris Hammond, Father, Husband, Car Guy, Developer”

Did you find this tip useful? Then be sure to check out my DotNetNuke Training classes



UPDATE: Created a video for this blog post

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