Building Hypermedia Web APIs
Hypermedia is one of those concepts really hard to grasp when building Http aware APIs (or Web API’s). As human beings, we are constantly dealing with hypermedia in the existing web by following links or posting data from some forms that take us to a next level.
We typically remember the entry point or URL for the retrieving the home page of web site, and we can move from there on to different sections using hypermedia artifacts. Those URL usually tend to be nice and easy to remember, but they don’t have to be as it is not something http by itself mandates. We could rely on a search engine like Google or Bing to find those URLs for us. You can even use some cryptographic URLs for the web pages in your website, and still provide a nice experience for the user by proving the right links to browse the content.
When you build Http API’s for being consumed for other systems, the history is not any different. There is no any reason for client applications to remember all the possible resources and their location (URLs) if the server can provide those. Hardcoding URL’s on the client side is a bad thing for two main reasons,
- The server can change the location for an specific resource, so all the clients having a hardcoded URL for that resource will break.
- It pushes some knowledge about the application state workflow to the client side. What happens if an action in a resource is only available for a given state, shall we put that logic in any possible API consumer ?. Definitely not, the server should always mandate what can be done or not with a resource. For example, if the state of a purchase order is canceled, the client application application shouldn’t be allowed to submit that PO. If we have an user in front of an UI using that API, he shouldn’t see the submit button enabled (That logic for enabling or disabling the button could be driven by the server using links).
This is one of the gray areas that typically differentiates a regular Web API’s from a RESTful API, but there are some other constraints that also applies, so this discussing about RESTful services probably don’t make sense in most cases. What matters in the end is that the API uses HTTP correctly as application protocol and leverage hypermedia when it is possible. By enabling Hypermedia, you can create self-discoverable APIs, which are not an excuse for not providing documentation as I usually hear, but are more flexible in terms of updatability.
Many of the media types we use nowadays for building Web API’s such as JSON or XML don’t have a built-in concept for representing hypermedia links as HTML does with links and forms. You can leverage those media types by defining a way to express hypermedia, but again, it requires client to understand how the hypermedia semantics are defined on top of those. Other media types like XHtml or ATOM already support some of the hypermedia concepts like links or forms.
By moving forward with this idea of Hypermedia API on top of JSON or XML, Mike Kelly wrote a draft for an specific media type called “HAL”. HAL extends JSON and XML with all the semantics required to express resources and their links. This fragment from the spec draft illustrates how an order can be modeled using the xml variant of HAL,
<resource href="/orders">
<link rel="next" href="/orders?page=2" />
<link rel="search" href="/orders?id={order_id}" />
<resource rel="order" href="/orders/123">
<link rel="customer" href="/customer/bob" title="Bob Jones <>" />
<resource rel="basket" href="/orders/123/basket">
<resource rel="order" href="/orders/124">
<link rel="customer" href="/customer/jen" title="Jen Harris <>" />
<resource rel="basket" href="/orders/124/basket">
You can see the different entities in your system can be modeled and represented as resources, which are linked, and attributes like “rel” or “href” are used to express the role of the entity and it’s location. Steve Michelotti created an specific formatter for HAL in WCF Web API available here, but it hasn’t be updated to the latest ASP.NET Web API version yet.
I have been able to see two different kinds of hypermedia APIs over the years. APIs returning links for representing state transitions or linked resources that put some out of band assumptions on the consumer for how the transition should be executed. For example, consider the following example with the representation of a PO.
<link rel="customer" href="/customers/foo"/>
<link rel="approve" href="/po/90/approve"/>
<link rel="cancel" href="/po/90/cancel"/>
The representation contains a link for retrieving the representation of the associated customer (which assumes the client should send an HTTP to that URL for getting the representation), and two additional links for approving or canceling the PO (which also assumes the client knows how to post a message to those URLs). You see, the consumer is still coupled to the Web API implementation with some out of band details, but still is self-discoverable and the consumer can determine which actions can be executed over that resource (See the associated customer details, approve it or cancel it).
There are also other kind of APIs that use Forms as you would find them in the HTML or XHTML media types. Good part of these APIs are driven by forms submissions. Let’s see an example to illustrate the concept.
<ul id="purchaseOrder">
<li id="id">90</li>
<li id="sku">AJJ34</li>
<a href="/customers/foo" rel="customer"/>
<a href="/po/90/approve_form" rel="approve"/>
<a href="/po/90/cancel_form" rel="cancel"/>
The purchase order is returned this time as an XHTML representation and contains links which basically supports the HTTP GET semantics. An HTTP GET to the “customer” link would return the associated customer representation. However, an HTTP GET to the “approve” or “cancel” links would return an http form this time for approving or canceling the order.
<form action="/po/90/approve" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" id="id">90</input>
<input type="hidden" id="___forgeryToken">XXXXXXXX</input>
The consumer now has been decoupled of certain details for approving the order for example. It only needs to submit this form using an HTTP POST to the URL specified in the action attribute. The server can also includes additional information in the form as a forgery token for example to avoid “Cross-site Request Forgery” (CSRF) attacks.