Dependency injection made easy for the ASP.NET MVC

I decided to write this post to show how cool is Autofac for doing dependency injection in the ASP.NET MVC framework. Autofac, for me the Moq stepbrother  in the dependency injection arena because of its very-easy-to-use fluent interface and nice support of lambda expressions, comes with a built-in ASP.NET module to automatically intercept the creation of the controllers and pass the required dependencies to them, the only thing a programmer has to do is to provide instances of those dependencies or expressions to build them.

Well, it is time to see Autofac in action with a practical example. If you have the chance to use the MVC preview 4, you may notice that it comes with a new controller "Account" to manage the website membership. This controller receives two dependencies in the constructor,

public AccountController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth, MembershipProvider provider)


  FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();

  Provider = provider ?? Membership.Provider;



public IFormsAuthentication FormsAuth



  private set;



public MembershipProvider Provider



  private set;


If those dependencies are not provided, it creates a default implementation of "FormsAuthenticationWrapper" and use the Membership singleton instance. Ok, let's make some minor changes to this controller so we always assume that those instances must be provided by the caller code (It will be actually responsibility of the DI container).

public AccountController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth, MembershipProvider provider)


  FormsAuth = formsAuth;

  Provider = provider;


We now have to initialize a container to instruct Autofac about how to initialize or get instances of those classes. This can be done in the global.asax file,

static IContainerProvider containerProvider;


protected void Application_Start()




   var builder = new ContainerBuilder();


   // Automatically register all controllers in the current assembly.

   builder.RegisterModule(new AutofacControllerModule(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));


   builder.Register<MembershipProvider>(container => Membership.Provider).ExternallyOwned();



   containerProvider = new ContainerProvider(builder.Build());


   // Hook MVC factory.

   ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new AutofacControllerFactory(containerProvider));


There are some lines in the code above that deserve special attention, so let's discuss them in details:


// Automatically register all controllers in the current assembly.

builder.RegisterModule(new AutofacControllerModule(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));

This line basically discovers and registers all the controllers within the current assembly (The website itself) into the DI container.


builder.Register<MembershipProvider>(container => Membership.Provider).ExternallyOwned();


The dependencies are registered in the container builder (The one that later knows how to create instances of the dependencies). The Register method optionally receives an lambda expression that will be used later to create or get the dependency instance, it could be considered a sort of lazy class construction. The container can also be used in the expressions to resolve other dependencies, for example,

builder.Register<MessagingService>(c => new MessagingService(c.Resolve<IMessageRepository>).As<IMessagingService>();

Another important aspect in the initialization is the scope, which basically controls the dependency lifetime. In the code above I used two scopes, ExternallyOwned (The instance is managed by the application) and FactoryScoped (A new instance is created for every dependency resolution, very useful for instances that must be used and disposed just after, like the DataContext in Linq to SQL). Other possible scopes could be ContainerScoped (An instance per container) or Singleton (An instance shared between all containers).


containerProvider = new ContainerProvider(builder.Build());


// Hook MVC factory.

ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new AutofacControllerFactory(containerProvider));

The container provider is created, and the controller factory implementation provided by Autofac is set for the current application.

As you can see, most of the plumbing code is already provided by Autofac, just a couple of lines were needed to start using DI in the MVC framework.

The code sample is available to download here

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