Increasing your system reliability with the Azure Service Bus Queues

A common scenario for many web applications running in the cloud is to integrate with existing systems through web services (no matter the messaging style they use). Although in these scenarios, an SLA is typically used as an agreement between the two parties to assure certain level of availability, many things can still fail. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have a mechanism in place to handle any possible error condition and retry the execution when it is possible.

As example, you could have a web application that calls an online CRM system (like or MS Dynamics) for allowing the users to report incidents. In that scenario, we can not assume any possible call to the CRM system will always succeed. On the other hand, this kind of call does not require an immediate response for the user, so it can be scheduled for later execution and retried if something unexpected happens.

A persistent storage for the messages like a queue is always a good choice for decoupling clients from services, and also accomplish the goal previously discussed. When you move to Windows Azure, there are two different queue offerings, Queues as part of the Storage service, and Queues (or Topics) as part of the Service Bus.

The Service Bus SDK provides a programming model on top of WCF for consuming or sending messages to the queues, which makes this solution very appealing for this scenario. The Service Bus also provides Topics, which are an specific kind of queues that supports subscriptions.

By using Service Bus Queues, the calls to any third party service could be eventually wrapped up in WCF services that are invoked by the web application. The following image illustrates the possible architecture,


One of the core classes in the WCF programming model for the Service Bus Queues is BrokeredMessage. This class represents a message that can be sent to/from an existing queue, and contains a lot of  standard properties such as MessageId, ReplyTo, SessionId or Label to name a few. It also contain a dictionary for custom properties that an application can assign to the message.

In the example above, the MessageId property can be used to correlate the input and out messages in the queue and update the corresponding result in the web application. The WCF service can also use the ReplyTo property, which represents the queue name in which the response should go. Sessions is another concept supported in the Service Bus Queues, which are useful for correlating a set of messages as a batch for processing.   This is something optional and requires the queue to support sessions when they are created.

In WCF, the BrokeredMessage is assigned to the service call with a message property BrokeredMessageProperty as it is illustrated bellow,

var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<ICRMServiceClient>("crminput");
var clientChannel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
// Use the OperationContextScope to create a block within which to access the current OperationScope
using (var scope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)clientChannel))
    // Create a new BrokeredMessageProperty object
    var property = new BrokeredMessageProperty();
    // Use the BrokeredMessageProperty object to set the BrokeredMessage properties
    property.Label = "Incident";
    property.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    property.ReplyTo = "sb://";
    // Add BrokeredMessageProperty to the OutgoingMessageProperties bag provided 
    // by the current Operation Context 
    OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.Add(BrokeredMessageProperty.Name, property);
    //Do the service call here

On the service side, the BrokeredMessageProperty instance can be retrieved in a similar way

var incomingProperties = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties;
var property = incomingProperties[BrokeredMessageProperty.Name] as BrokeredMessageProperty;

Another important feature in the programming model for supporting execution retries in our example is the ReceiveContext. By decorating the WCF service contract with the ReceiveContextEnabled attribute, we can manually specify whether the operation was successfully completed or not. If the operation was not completed, the message will remain in the queue and the operation will be executed again next time.

public interface ICRMService
    [ReceiveContextEnabled(ManualControl = true)]
    void CreateCustomer(Customer customer);
The following code shows how the operation implementation looks like,
var incomingProperties = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties;
var property = incomingProperties[BrokeredMessageProperty.Name] as BrokeredMessageProperty;
//Complete the Message
ReceiveContext receiveContext;
if (ReceiveContext.TryGet(incomingProperties, out receiveContext))
   //Do Something                
   throw new InvalidOperationException("...");

As you can see, the ReceiveContext instance is marked as complete or implicitly set as not complete when an exception is thrown.

The assemblies for the Service Bus SDK are available as part of a Nuget package “Windows Azure Service Bus”. As part of the package registration, all the required configuration extensions for the WCF such as custom bindings and behaviors are also added in the application configuration file.

NetMessagingBinding is the one you need to use for sending or receiving messages from a queue. That binding is constantly polling the queues for detecting new messages, and activating the WCF service when a new message arrives. For that reason, you need to keep the web application App pool running all the time. This can be accomplished in Windows Azure with a simple approach as this one mentioned by Christian Weyer in this post.

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