Writing an AuthenticationHandler for Katana

As I discussed in my previous post, Katana is pretty much organized in middleware services.  One of those middleware services is authentication, which provides some built-in implementations for existing OAuth providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google or Microsoft, and also an implementation for Forms authentication with cookies.  All those implementations are currently distributed as Nuget packages under the name of Microsoft.Owin.Security.*, where the last part identifies the name of the implementation (e.g. Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter).

Microsoft.Owin.Security is also the core project where you can find the base classes for writing a new authentication handler, and the ones that all the these implementations use.

At first glance, the core class that you will use to create a new authentication handler is Microsoft.Owin.Security.Infrastructure.AuthenticationHandler<T>, where T is class that derives from AuthenticationOptions and contains all the properties for initializing the handler.

AuthenticationHandler<T> derives from Microsoft.Owin.Security.Infrastructure.AuthenticationHandler, which provides the following definition.

public abstract class AuthenticationHandler
   protected OwinRequest Request;
   protected OwinResponse Response;

   protected AuthenticationHandler();

   protected virtual Task ApplyResponseChallenge();

   protected virtual Task ApplyResponseCore();

   protected virtual Task ApplyResponseGrant();

   protected abstract Task<AuthenticationTicket> AuthenticateCore();

This class basically provides access to the current request/response OWIN messages, and also a few methods that can be overridden as part of the implementation.

  • ApplyResponseChallenge: This method can be overridden to send a authentication challenge when a middleware service in the upper layer denies the execution (e.g 401 status code). For example, this can be useful for basic authentication.
  • ApplyResponseCore: This method by default calls ApplyResponseChallenge and ApplyResponseGrant. It can be changed to make some additional processing of the Response message.
  • ApplyResponseGrant: This method is only useful for authentication methods that needs to implement sign-in/sign-out concerns such as OAuth or Forms authentication. You won’t be using this for some authentication options such as basic or hmac authentication.
  • AuthenticateCore: This is the more important method, and the one where all the main implementation of the authentication handler lives. The AuthenticationTicket will contain the identity of the authenticated user or null if the user couldn’t be authenticated.

The AuthenticationOptions base class only contains the following structure,

public abstract class AuthenticationOptions
  protected AuthenticationOptions(string authenticationType);

  public AuthenticationMode AuthenticationMode { get; set; }

  public string AuthenticationType { get; set; }

  public AuthenticationDescription Description { get; set; }
  • AuthenticationMode. It’s an enumeration with two possible values Active/Passive. It basically identifies the http flow for the authentication implementation. Some authentication methods like Basic or HMac are Active, so it can be used directly against the current request without requiring additional http redirections. Some other methods like OAuth or Forms are not, so those have to identified as Passive. This setting will affect the authentication middleware behaves, so you have to set the correct value for it.
  • AuthenticatinType. It represents the authentication scheme. For example, Basic.
  • AuthenticationDescription. It can be used to provide more information about the authentication method.

Only these two classes are used so far to create a new authentication handler. However, you will also need a another class that acts as a factory, and it is used to inject the handler into the OWIN pipeline. That class is Microsoft.Owin.Security.Infrastructure.AuthenticationMiddleware.

public abstract class AuthenticationMiddleware<TOptions> : OwinMiddleware where TOptions : Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationOptions
  public AuthenticationMiddleware(OwinMiddleware next, TOptions options);

  public TOptions Options { get; set; }

  protected abstract AuthenticationHandler<TOptions> CreateHandler();

This class basically receives the Options that must be passed to the AuthenticationHandler, and also contains a method CreateHandler where the handler is actually created.

I will use the rest of this post to describe the implementation of a handler for doing HMac authentication using Hawk.

The first step in the implementation is to create a custom AuthenticationOptions class.

public class HawkAuthenticationOptions : AuthenticationOptions
  public const string Scheme = "Hawk";

  public HawkAuthenticationOptions()
       : base(Scheme)

  public Func<string, HawkCredential> Credentials { get; set; }

The Credentials property is a callback that the authentication handler implementation will use to resolve the user/key to verify the HMAC received in the authorization header. In a Basic Authentication implementation, you could potentially have a callback or a reference to a repository to verify the username and password received in the authorization header. I am also passing “Hawk” as part of the constructor to set the authentication scheme associated to the handler.

The next step is to implement the AuthenticationHandler.

public class HawkAuthenticationHandler : AuthenticationHandler<HawkAuthenticationOptions>
  private readonly ILogger logger;

  public HawkAuthenticationHandler(ILogger logger)
      this.logger = logger;

  protected override Task<AuthenticationTicket> AuthenticateCore()
     AuthenticationHeaderValue authorization = null;

     if (Request.GetHeader("authorization") != null)
         authorization = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(Request.GetHeader("authorization"));

     if (authorization != null &&
          !string.Equals(authorization.Scheme, HawkAuthenticationOptions.Scheme))
          this.logger.WriteInformation(string.Format("Authorization skipped. Schema found {0}",

          return Task.FromResult(EmptyTicket());

      if (authorization == null ||
          this.logger.WriteWarning("Authorization header not found");

          return Task.FromResult(EmptyTicket());
          if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorization.Parameter))
              this.logger.WriteWarning("Invalid header format");
              return Task.FromResult(EmptyTicket());

         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.Host))
              this.logger.WriteWarning("Missing Host header");
              return Task.FromResult(EmptyTicket());

              var principal = Hawk.Authenticate(authorization.Parameter,

              var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)((ClaimsPrincipal)principal).Identity;
              var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(identity, (AuthenticationExtra)null);

              return Task.FromResult(ticket);
           catch (SecurityException ex)

                return Task.FromResult(EmptyTicket());

    protected override Task ApplyResponseChallenge()
         if (Response.StatusCode != 401)
              return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

         var ts = Hawk.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now).ToString();
         var challenge = string.Format("ts=\"{0}\" ntp=\"{1}\"",
                ts, "pool.ntp.org");

         Response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", HawkAuthenticationOptions.Scheme + " " + challenge);
        return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

     private static AuthenticationTicket EmptyTicket()
         return new AuthenticationTicket(null, (AuthenticationExtra)null);

The implementation is Active, so only overrides the AuthenticationCore and ApplyResponseChallenge methods. The AuthenticationCore implementation tries to locate a Authorization Header with a format that follows the Hawk specification to authenticate the call. If an Authorization header is not found or it can not be parsed, an AuthenticationTicket instance with an empty identity is returned. Otherwise, the identity is set in the ticket and returned as part of the task. This implementation also uses the logging facilities provided by Katana.

The last step is to implement the AuthenticationMiddleware class.

public class HawkAuthenticationMiddleware : AuthenticationMiddleware<HawkAuthenticationOptions>
    private readonly ILogger logger;

    public HawkAuthenticationMiddleware(
        OwinMiddleware next,
        IAppBuilder app,
        HawkAuthenticationOptions options) : base(next, options)
         this.logger = app.CreateLogger<HawkAuthenticationHandler>();

     protected override AuthenticationHandler<HawkAuthenticationOptions> CreateHandler()
         return new HawkAuthenticationHandler(this.logger);

This implementation only overrides the CreateHandler method to return a new HawkAuthenticationHandler instance. As that instance relies on the Katana logger, the logger instance is first created from the IAppBuilder instance injected in the constructor.

Once you have the AuthenticationMiddleware implementation completed, you will want to inject it in the OWIN pipeline to use it in an existing application. An extension method can be provided to make this task easier for the developer.

public static class HawkAuthenticationExtensions
    public static IAppBuilder UseHawkAuthentication(this IAppBuilder app, HawkAuthenticationOptions options)
        app.Use(typeof(HawkAuthenticationMiddleware), app, options);
        return app;

The following example shows how this extension is used to register the HawkAuthenticationMiddleware service in an application that uses Web API with OWIN

public class Startup
     public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
         app.SetLoggerFactory(new ConsoleLoggerFactory());

         var config = new HttpConfiguration();
         config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("Default", "api/{controller}");
         app.UseHawkAuthentication(new HawkAuthenticationOptions
             Credentials = (id) =>
                 return new HawkCredential
                     Id = "dh37fgj492je",
                     Key = "werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn",
                     Algorithm = "hmacsha256",
                     User = "steve"

All the code provided as part of this example for Hawk can be found in the HawkNet github project.

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