Multiple languages in one project
During a discussion of the captioned subject in the ASP.NET Forums, Ambrose, Paul and I were discussing "languages" in a project. Yes, langauge choices is a 'hot' debate topic and we can mix them across an application, while Ambrose propose a way to "mix" languages with the use of Assembly Linker.
After a couple of days, I found that Ambrose really wrote an article in this issue and post it on ASPAlliance - Creating and Using Multifile Assemblies.
The first sentence of his article mentioned:
One of the lesser-talked-about features of .NET is what is commonly referred to as a "multifile assembly." They are often mentioned briefly in passing in articles and books, but few rarely actually demonstrate how to create them and even fewer discuss using them.
Is it always true? Any one see this blog and please feel free to drop a link for the resources/article in the subject of "Muifaile Assemblies" :)
Thanks Ambrose for writing this article for us, this article is easy to read and fun.