Provisioning User to ADAM in ILM2007

I just finish provisioning a user object to ADAM from AD today, the process is pretty smooth and below is the first piece of codes that I wrote for the metaverse rule extension in ILM2007

// Provision to ADAM
MA = mvEntry.ConnectedMAs["ADAM_MA"];
Connectors = MA.Connectors.Count;
rdn = string.Format("CN={0}", cn);
dn = MA.EscapeDNComponent(rdn).Concat("OU=Alpha Users,DC=ALPHA,DC=COM); 

if (Connectors == 0)   
  csEntry = MA.Connectors.StartNewConnector(
  csEntry.DN = dn;
else if (Connectors == 1)
  csEntry = MA.Connectors.ByIndex[0];
  csEntry.DN = dn;
"Multiple connectors in MA");

The code is obviously incomplete, but there are lots of useful resources on the net and below are the links that I read today:

If you are new to MIIS / ILM like me, make sure you check out the first article which is extremely useful, easy to read and understand.

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