Productive Writing

A while back Scott Hanselman wrote about DarkRoom, a distraction-free writing environment. I tried DarkRoom for a while a number of years back, but quickly put it down in favor of all the features of Word.

Recently though I have discovered a best-of-both worlds scenario. In Word 2007 there is a feature of the zoom utility that will size the document to zoom in to the line-length of your text.

Word 2007 Zoom Dialog

When you zoom to this level with the Word window stretched across the width of two monitors, you have a very large writing environment.

My experience of using approach over the last week or so has really helped me focus on my writing and find I can write faster than I had in the past.

Here is a screen shot of what it looks like when I am writing:

Writing Environment Thumbnail

Click here or on the thumbnail for full-size image.

What writing productivity tips do you have?

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