New ProjectDistributor release

I'm just testing the release for the next version of ProjectDistributor.  This release includes bug fixes from the previous release as well as the following new features:

  1. Announcements
  2. User/Application roles
  3. Enhanced Rss feeds

Roles were implemented mostly so that I could support added functionality via WebServices.

Announcements and the Enhanced Rss feeds are pretty cool.  Below is a picture of the new Rss feed for ProjectDistributor.  Notice that it now contains notifications about new and updated: Groups/Projects/Releases.  It also displays "Announcements".  Announcements can be created by Groups or by the site administrator.

In the past the Rss feed only displayed information about new Projects so it really didn't provide much insight into what was happening at the source code layer of the app.  Announcements are a way of interacting with your subscribers.  Groups can use them to broadcast information about upcoming features or to solicit advice from the user base.  Administrators can use them to announce site changes and to broadcast policy changes.

The new Rich Rss feeds

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