EmailVerify.NET now part of the Cobisi family of products, new managed proxy client library, new web site
the last week was a great one for us, as we have finally succeeded in building the foundation for the new Cobisi family of products. The great experience we have made in the last six years with EmailVerify.NET, our flagship .NET component for validating email addresses, led us to a way better understanding of the software development industry and its needs and still make us believe we wouldn't do anything else but developing software components (apart from listening to Dream Theater in our spare time, of course). Because of our passion and, especially, because of your precious support and always-welcomed feedback, we are now ready to show you the results of our development research and bring to you several new software components in the next few weeks.
EmailVerify.NET reached version 4.5
Our great email validation library finally reached a milestone in its development lifecycle, with version 4.5 bringing even more code robustness and great features. Check out our new free web-based ajax email validation service or just download a free trial and embed it in your own applications!
Our new .NET proxy client library
The second great news is that we now offer a new proxy client component for Microsoft .NET that allows to easily connect to a proxy server, using either a socket or a TcpClient, from your own application; Cobisi ProxyClient.NET - this is the official name for the component - currently supports the SOCKS 4, SOCKS 4a, SOCKS 5 and HTTP-CONNECT protocols, can be easily extended for custom proxy server implementations or requirements and can be, of course, easily integrated into your EmailVerify.NET solutions to support email validations using proxied connections.
And our new web site!
In the effort of a better integration with our current and future products and services, our old web site is now part of the main web site, including the client area section (previously known as customers area), the purchase section and, of course, the EmailVerify.NET overview and download section. Did I mention we also have a great new, ajax-based, free email validation service? :)
As part of this job, we also moved our hosted email validation service (a hosted service based on our email validation technologies, for email list hygiene and cleansing) to a new home, within this site.
Ah... And we have also changed a bit of the previous web site layout, graphics and style. Can you spot the difference? :)