Up to speed with 2005: Windows Forms

It tells you something when you see the Datagrid Girl herself coming to attend a *Windows Forms* presentation (not to mention a few RDs and some Microsoft PMs). For all the publicity (mostly deserved) about the all new ASP.NET 2.0, Windows Forms has also got a number of enhancements in .NET 2005, not as massive as ASP.NET, granted, but may be this is due to the fact that Windows Forms was already pretty mature on .NET 1.1 ;-) So most enhancements come in the form of new controls, if this doesn't sound compelling enough, you should check DatagridView or ToolsStrip. But do it quickly because it seems like Marcie is planning to become the DatagridView Chick. Dang, Clemens Vasters just asked about how the ToolStrip autosave works and, as the instructor was a little lost, the guy that *wrote* it is helping with the answer, I better stop blogging and start paying attention.

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