No nullable types in VB.NET 2.0 ?

As an O/R mapper developer I was looking forward to nullable types in .NET 2.0, so I could solve the problem of nullable value types in a solid way, but I just peeked into the new online .NET 2.0 Beta 2 documentation for VB.NET but I couldn't find any reference about nullable types in VB.NET.

I hope it's me overlooking something obvious, so my question is: does VB.NET have nullable types in .NET 2.0 ?

Edit I see there is a System.Nullable<T>. That would solve it to some degree I think. Any takers?

Edit2 Ok, the following links provide more information about how to use nullable value types in VB.NET 2.0:

Good to know I was overlooking something!

1 Comment

  • Dank je, Ward :)

    Ik had ook al zoiets gezien even later. Dus kortweg komt het er op neer dat het wel aanwezig is, maar je moet het generic Nullable struct gebruiken ipv de operators. Maakt me verder niet uit ALS het maar werkt :D.

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