Upcoming Speaking Events...

I have a couple of speaking events to remind folks of...

March 4th will be a busy day for me. I'll be speaking in the morning at the MSDN Roadshow event at Microsoft's new conference center in Reston, Virginia. I'm presenting a session on Tips and Tricks for ASP.NET from 10:30am-11:45am. Then that evening I'll be presenting at the Central Maryland ASP Professionals user group in Columbia, MD. The topic will be Understanding the Postback Process and Creating and Handling Events in Custom Server Controls. The meeting starts at 6:30pm.

If you're in the Washington, DC area, please stop by one or both of these events!

PS - The Columbia appearance was arranged through INETA, the International .NET Association, which helps local user groups arrange for speakers with expertise in a variety of .NET topics to present to their users. You can find out more about requesting a speaker from the INETA Speaker's Bureau here.

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