
Archives / 2008 / April
  • Consuming RESTful services from BizTalk Server using AtomPub

    In a previous post I explained the importance for traditional integration servers and ESBs to embrace REST as one of the architecture styles used to interact and expose resources. For the simplicity of this post (and to avoid starting a religious war J) I am going to use the term ESB as the generic name to refer to integration and mediation technologies that can interact with RESTful services. So yes, BizTalk Server is going to be an ESB for the next few paragraphs J

  • REST and ESBs

    The evolution of Representational State Transfer (REST) as an Architecture style is having a strong influence in the way developers think about to accessing and exposing data. This influence is especially notable in Service Oriented (SOA) technologies such as Service Repositories, SOA Governance Servers, Enterprise Service Buses (ESB) and Integration Servers.  Particularly, Integration servers and ESBs are a natural fit for RESTful services given its applicability of data exchange scenarios. In my opinion Integration servers and ESBs will embrace REST in two fundamental ways:

  • MVP award 2008

    A few days ago I've received the Microsoft BizTalk Server MVP award for fourth consecutive year. Once again I am grateful to the people involved in the evaluation process. For the last twelve months I've been involved in several projects with the Connected Systems community and product teams as well as a lot of speaking engagements. I am looking forward to continue that collaborating throughout this year.