Microsoft SOA-BPM conference

During this year I’ve had the pleasure of co-presenting with Sonu Arora in different conferences around the country.  Next week Sonu and I will be again co-speaking at the Microsoft SOA-BPM conference. The subject: the WCF Line of Business Adapters SDK. Among other things, we are going to deep dive into some of the aspects of the WCF Adapter SDK; it differences with BizTalk adapters and it relationship with different Microsoft technologies such as WF, BizTalk, SSIS, MOSS, etc. We also have some interesting demos and show how to build (yes yes, we are going to build an adapter live on stageL) and consume WCF adapters. So if you are attending the SOA-BPM conference and you are staying after Halloween J we would love to have you in our session. We promise to keep it interesting.  The week after next Sonu will be doing a very similar talk at Microsoft Teched EMEA and after that she might need medical attention J.


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