Speaking about WCF and WF 4.0 at VSLive

Next Monday I will be presenting two sessions at VSLive Las Vegas. The first session is about the WCF 4.0 extensibility model and it covers almost all the major extensibility points of the different WCF subsystems such as messaging, security, instancing, etc.

The second session is about building services using WCF and WF 4.0. Here we will cover some of the major changes in the WF 4.0 programming model that improve the service development and management experience

I am trying to keep both sessions very practical which means we are going to spend a lot of time in Visual Studion going through code. Additionally, as much as possible, the demostrations will highlight real world scenarios that will give the audience a better sense of how to better take advantage of this technologies.

If you attending to VSLive and you are interested on WF and WCF 4.0 you should come to my session. I promise to keep things interesting ;).

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