Speaking at SDWest about WCF extensibility

This Friday I will be presenting a session about WCF extensibility at SDWest . I plan to go deep into a lot of the WCF internals aspects such as the channels, client-dispatcher runtime, metadata, hosting, instancing, etc. My goal is to give you as much information as possible about the different extensibility points of the WCF runtime. We are going to spend the bulk of the sessions looking at code and showing real world scenarios of the applicability of the WCF extensibility model. If you are attending SDWest and you are interested in WCF and Service Orientation in general please swing by my session and feel free to introduce yourself.

The SDWest speaker lineup looks very impressive and it includes great WCF sessions delivered by some of the top minds in the industry such as Michele Bustamante, Juval Lowy, Jon Flanders and Mark Michaelis.

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