Creating configuration reader for web and cloud environments

Currently it is not possible to make changes to web.config file that is hosted on Windows Azure. If you want to change web.config you have to deploy your application again. If you want to be able to modify configuration you must use web role settings. In this blog post I will show you how to write configuration wrapper class that detects runtime environment and reads settings based on this knowledge.

The following screenshot shows you web role configuration that is opened for modifications in Windows Azure site.

Changing web role settings

My solution is simple – I will create one interface and two configuration reading classes. Both classes – WebConfiguration and AzureConfiguration – implement IConfiguration interface.

using System.Web.Configuration;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime;


namespace MyWebApp


    public interface IConfiguration


        string GetSetting(string name);


    public class AzureConfiguration : IConfiguration


        public string GetSetting(string name)





    public class WebConfiguration : IConfiguration


        public string GetSetting(string name)


            return WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name];




Imports System.Web.Configuration

Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime


Namespace MyWebApp


    Public Interface IConfiguration

        Function GetSetting(ByVal name As String) As String

    End Interface



    Public Class AzureConfiguration

        Implements IConfiguration


        Public Function GetSetting(ByVal name As String) _
            As String Implements IConfiguration.GetSetting


            Return _

        End Function


    End Class


    Public Class WebConfiguration

        Implements IConfiguration


        Public Function GetSetting(ByVal name As String) _
            As String Implements IConfiguration.GetSetting


            Return WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings(name)

        End Function


    End Class

End Namespace

Now we need something that we can use to read configuration settings without worrying about what settings exactly are read. I write simple static class that detects configuration reader and reads configuration settings we ask.


using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime;


namespace MyWebApp


    public static class Conf


        private static IConfiguration _conf;


        public static string GetSetting(string name)


            if (_conf == null)

                _conf = GetConf();


            return _conf.GetSetting(name);



        private static IConfiguration GetConf()


            // If we are running in cloud

            if (RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable)

                return new AzureConfiguration();


            return new WebConfiguration();





Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime


Namespace MyWebApp


    Public Module Conf

        Private Sub New()

        End Sub


        Private _conf As IConfiguration


        Public Function GetSetting(ByVal name As String) As String

            If _conf Is Nothing Then

                _conf = GetConf()

            End If


            Return _conf.GetSetting(name)

        End Function


        Private Function GetConf() As IConfiguration

            ' If we are running in cloud

            If RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable Then

                Return New AzureConfiguration()

            End If


            Return New WebConfiguration()

        End Function


    End Module

End Namespace

We can use Conf.GetSetting(name) to read configuration parameters from currently active environment. Note how we are using RoleEnvironment to detect if we are in cloud. If you need the value of some setting you can just write code like this.

var appMode = Conf.GetSetting("WLA_ApplicationMode");

That’s it for now. As you can see it was not hard to extend our web application so we can read settings based on current environment. Static class is not maybe the best choice but it works for me. Now we have short and simple syntax for asking values of settings and if something changes we can make those changes to configuration classes and therefore we don’t have to modify classes that use those settings.

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