ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Futures December CTP released!

The release of the AJAX RC today is going to get plenty of press coverage. I thought I'd shine the light a little bit on the lesser known Futures CTP, which has also been released today :)

Download it here.

Note that although the RC's namespace is now System.* instead of Microsoft.*, the futures ctp is still in the Microsoft namespace.

The biggest change to the Futures CTP is the way you reference it's scripts. This is a breaking change from the previous CTP, so be sure to update your references. If you are referencing the script statically through script manager, you would change the reference from this:

<asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Microsoft.Web.Preview" Name="Microsoft.Web.Resources.ScriptLibrary.PreviewScript.js" />

to this:

<asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Microsoft.Web.Preview" Name="PreviewScript.js" />

And similiarly for the other scripts (just remove the long prefix).

If you have written a component that returns a ScriptReference from the GetScriptReferences interface, as long as you are using the Microsoft.Web.Preview.UI.FrameworkScript.PreviewMainScriptResource constant, you will automatically be using the updated name. If you have hard coded the string, you will have to update it to just "PreviewScript.js".

If you've downloaded the custom SmartAutoCompleteExtender project from this blog, I'll be reposting an updated version with some bug fixes as well, as soon as I can. If you can't wait... you should be able to use it with the RC, as long as you follow the upgrade guide for Beta2 -> RC.

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