1st Public Meeting of the IASA Israeli Chapter


The first public meeting of the International Association of Software Architects Israeli Chapter will take place on this Thursday !

The meeting's goal is to introduce IASA and its offerings, and to initiate the Israeli chapter of IASA.

During the meeting we will discuss the objectives and roadmap of the IASA Israeli chapter, and how it can advance the Software Architecture profession in Israel.

Following the introduction we will host an interesting presentation “Architecting for the Cloud” given by Danny Cohen, Architect at Microsoft Israel.

Please note that the given lecture plus IASA future activities are not technology specific related and address both .NET and Java software architects.

March 18th 2010, Thursday, 17:00 – 19:45

HP Israel, Dafna 9, Raanana
(location map: http://tinyurl.com/HP-iisrael-dafna-raanana )

Register & RSVP:
Please register & RSVP at: http://tinyurl.com/IASA-Israel-1st-meeting-event

For more details, see: http://tinyurl.com/IASA-Israel-Meeting-0310

See you there !

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