WSE 2.0 Encryption vs. SSL

 I was wondering what will be the best method to encrypt communication/soap message between client and web service should I use WSE encryption or SSL ?


Well after digging in the area a little I came up with the following comparison table:






Complete security solution

End-to-end solution
WSE is designed so that a request can maintain security across multiple hops without explicit knowledge of those intermediary hops.

Point-to-point solution

SOAP Router to dispatch messages

Using ws-messaging WSE can route the message to the destination.

The router would have to decrypt the message in order to identify the end-point of that given message.

Partly message encryption

You can decide what parts of the message you want to encrypt

All the communication / message is being encrypted

Key Management

requires coding to handle the key management and exchange protocol or using policy wizard to do this part without any coding

requires a server certificate

Binding to specific protocol

You are now able to encrypt *independent* of the underlying protocol as WSE presently supports TCP. The underlying protocol that you might want to leverage becomes a config setting in an XML file.

SSL “binds” you to the HTTP protocol


requires deploying your code to the client machine (compiled code if using WSE)

SSL does not requires deploying, as most common browsers support it

Production Deployment

There aren’t any hardware accelerators

There are hardware SSL accelerator cards


Comments and more comparison features are welcomed!

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