FlexWiki Shared Source Licensing Program
FlexWiki is a new .NET implementation of the Web-based authoring tool known as Wiki.
The FlexWiki Shared Source toolset provides a way for Windows developers to deliver collaborative web authoring environments and allows those developers to establish web-based communities (on their intranets or on the Internet) to enable collaboration on the software they develop.
FlexWiki provides the following benefits:
- Standard editing, quick hyper-linking, and table generation.
- Support for federation and multiple namespaces.
- Full topic search and back link referencing.
- Easy integration with search engines.
- Dynamic content generation using the WikiTalk scripting language.
- Archive functionality for page history and linking to specific historical page versions.
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS), feed aggregation and other forms of notification when a Wiki changes.
- Easy to extend with.NET languages through integration with WikiTalk
check SourceForge.net