Announcing the Return of the SmartPart

Finally the latest version of the SmartPart is here: the Return of the SmartPart, also know as SmartPart v3, also know as SmartPart for SharePoint 2007. For those of you who are new to the SmartPart: the SmartPart is an open source web part that can host any ASP.NET Web User Control. What is the advantage of creating web parts by making use of the SmartPart? Well if you are familiar with the "traditional" web part development technique you probably know that you have to write lots of code, there is no designer support in Visual Studio. The SmartPart allows you to create a Web User Control (ASCX) in Visual Studio by making use of the designer, and deploy it to a SharePoint site. This release of the SmartPart is targetted for SharePoint 2007, both Windows SharePoint Services v3 (WSSv3) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). Since the initial release almost 40.000 SharePoint developers have downloaded the SmartPart, get your copy today (for free of course) from the GotDotNet Workspace (in the releases section)! For those of you who have attended my session about web part development on TechEd: Developers in Barcelona, this is the version that I showed over there.

For more information about the deployment of the Return of the Smartpart, check out this post which also has a link to a small screencast. Keep an eye on my blog or for more information, examples and screencast about creating web parts the smart way!


  • This control seems to be very useful. Will source code be posted or available?


  • Well I was waiting for smart part!! Its works as it promised.

  • Great work Jan! Keep it up!

  • We have created a user control with Atlas, and we successfull added it using smart part. But the problem is some part of the Atals are not working properly... It will be great full if u get some way to work it out..

    In Atlas control if we remove "EnablePartialRendering='True' " its works fine, the problem after removing this is "Post back is happening"... which makes the usercontrol work slower

    thanks in advance

  • Hello,

    I have been trying to get my existing User Controls that were originally developed under Son of SmartPart and I have tried migrating them to Return of SmartPart, however, I have had no success since attempting to do this. I have been using the Microsoft Enterprise Library in the past with strong naming to call my data access methods, but none of my SmartParts seems to be working any longer. Is there a way I can trace this to find out what suddenly stopped working by migrating them to WSS 2007? I have checked the Event Logs and nothing is being reported there which should indicate that there are no security permission issues or compilation errors.

    Are there any other ideas on how to resolve this?

    Thank You.

  • I have a user control that references Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll, which is installed in the GAC, on the machine that is hosting Sharepoint 2007. The user control works from, but I get an error when I try to display this control using the new SmartPart control. The error message is as follows:
    Error: unable to load ~\/UserControls\WebUserControl3.ascx
    Details: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\8001\usercontrols\WebUserControl3.ascx(9): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Practices' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

    Any information you can provide will be greatly appricated.


  • Can 2 smart parts "talk" to each other on a single page?

  • I have some difficulties using SPS Views with User Controls and SmartPart.

    View returns only all items when using User Controls. When i execute exactly same codes in custom WebPart, it works fine..

    Need help for resolving that!

  • Hi,
    is there any demo on developing the usercontrols with code behind and integrating with other assembly(Microsoft Application Block)?
    i would be appreciated if that is one because i currently dont agree of uploading my ascx.cs (source) file to UserControls folder. I might miss out something, but to my knowledge of "Return Of Smart Part" it requires my source file as well, else it cannot load the my usercontrols into the smartpart, correct me if i am wrong.


  • Does Return of SmartPart provide communication for the different types of interfaces provided in SharePoint, such as IWebPartField, IWebPartRow, IWebPartTable, and IWebPartParameters.

  • Hi,
    How to use <SafeControl... with ASP.NET 2.0 project, the assemblys are spread all over machine.
    How to build/deploy user control in ASP.NET 2.0 for use in SmartPart.
    I have a problem because of confusion made by publishig Web, assembly name, single page assemblies,...etc,etc
    In ASP.NET 1.1. it was easy, one project directory, one assembly output, AssemblyInfo.vb file and easy of use <SafeControl...
    Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated

  • Unless your ASP.Net site uses dll's that are typically located in your site's bin directory, you dont need to modify SafeControls other than for SmartPart. Just write a user control (.ascx with code behind - either .ascs.cs or .ascx.vb).

    If your user control depends on dll's, then you can deploy these in your production web sites bin folder and reference them in the _layouts/web.config.

    If you trust your dll's and if they are strongly typed, you can deploy them in the GAC and reference them in the safe control section in the web.config in your web sites root directory.

    Hope this helps

  • Smart Part Rocks,

    One more question for Jan,

    I used your smartpart on my Sharepoing moss2007/wss 3.0 and it works like charm.

    Can I have .cs file for my .ascx to put all my code in there?
    I tried doing that it gave me an error: Can not load your user control.

    Does it have have inline coding, or is there way I can put my code in my code behind .cs file?

    Please provide any feedback.

  • You do not need to code inline. Put your .ascx.cs file in the UserControl directory along with your .ascx.

    You can also deploy and leverage separate class.cs files for web services or other custom code. Deploy these in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\App_Code


  • I am using the latest version of smartpart(return of smartpart) with MOSS 2007. It works well Jan !! Thanks. I can connect to database only when i set the impersonate=false in the web.config of wss virtual folder. By default its true for moss 2007 and when its true, the sqlconnection.Open fails !!! I am using a custom app pool for my site and it has database access

    Any idea? Please help.. I am burning my head for past several days on this guys.. please help

  • Can someone let me know where to find SmartPart v3(return of SmartPart)? The GotDotNet link has been taken down.

  • Hi,

    Iam using Smart part but when im using session variable
    the smart part is not working.

    Im storing the check box selected in session
    variable and displaying the relavent record.

    Could you please help me how to use?

    Thank you

  • GotDotNet Workspace (in the releases section)!
    not accessible where I can download it else?

  • Yes I am also looking for a new download location since the link to GotDotNet is no longer working . Any News about this ??? thanks

  • I am also looking a download location for Son of SmartPart. It would appear that the website is also not functional.

    Thanks for helping.

  • hi,
    I have created a web usercontrol and put it into the usercontrols folder in the sharepoint site. my user control has datagrid with database connection. when i tried to deploy the usercontrol using smartpart it was uploading successfully. When I select my usercontrol from the smartpart dropdown and press the apply button it is not showing any error but my usercontrol is not displaying. It showing empty.

    am i missing anything? or i have to use add control?

    Please anybody help me!


  • I need to develop an application using impersonation to post to a list. Can I use impersonation on the smartpart ? Thanks.

  • looks like a great tool where can we download it since GotDotNet is link is not working

  • SmartPart3 v1.2 Beta

  • Markus wrote
    "If you trust your dll's and if they are strongly typed, you can deploy them in the GAC and reference them in the safe control section in the web.config in your web sites root directory."

    I have tried this but whatever I do I get an error message that says "cant find type or namespace..........." I can see that the assembly is in the GAC and the SafeControl item is added in the same config file where the SmartPart itself is added. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

  • I ran into the Error: unable to load ~\/UserControls\WebUserControl3.ascx error on a secondary server, but i removed everything started from scratch and it worked. I think it happened because I deviated from the instructions somewhat.

  • How can I refer other assemblies and classes. I need the System.Directoryservices.....

  • I`m using last version return of smartpart with my sharepoint. Everything is fine, but there is no support my language (russian).
    Jan, can you set property "EnableScriptGlobalization" of ScriptManager in web part to "True"? Thank you.

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